east meets west:

A calling to Healing

In the heart of New York City, amidst the dazzling lights, cityscapes, and bustling streets, I found myself navigating a life that appeared glamorous and beautiful on the surface but concealed the struggles within. In my 20s, I was juggling the cutthroat demands of being a full-time model and actress, completing grad school, acting classes, and navigating the intense world of the Miss USA pageant. The pressure to conform to societal ideals took a toll on me, physically, mentally, and emotionally.

The constant scrutiny, sexual harassment, and negative criticism from a toxic environment I couldn't escape left me feeling like a stranger in my own body. I began to despise my body, subjecting it to starvation and unrealistic expectations as a form of punishment. The toll on my health manifested in cystic acne, thinning hair, and digestive issues like IBS. Chronic stress and loneliness became my unwelcome companions, overshadowing any joy in my life.

In the depths of despair, I found the strength to break free from the chains of those limiting beliefs and turned to Ayurveda and Yoga. I walked away from an industry that sought to control me and decided to reclaim my body and mental well-being. It was time to rewrite the narrative and redefine my own standards of beauty.

Through a profound mindset shift, I embraced the power of yoga and meditation to untangle the web of negative thoughts and emotions buried deep within my body—a process I continue to work through to this day. I embarked on a journey to nourish my body with the love and care it deserved. The transformation wasn't just physical; it was a holistic healing process.

As I let go of the need for external validation, my "aha" moment arrived. I worked on building my body composition in a way that felt right for me, not for the expectations of others, and prioritized healing my gut.

I shifted my focus to a plant-focused diet at the time, embraced meditation, established a consistent routine, increased my intake of hydrogen-rich water, and began nurturing my passions. It was during this transformative period that I realized my true calling: to help women struggling with digestive issues and transform their bodies as I could empathize deeply with their struggles.

My path of self-exploration and embracing holistic healing prompted me to return to school, where I delved into the realms of Nutrition, functional lab testing, Ayurveda, health coaching, and culinary arts. My quest for knowledge has taken me to India and Southeast Asia, deepening my practice in Ayurveda and Yoga.

In 2019, after taking a 7 year hiatus from fitness competitions i decided to compete in one more show. The moment I earned my WBFF Pro Card was not just a victory in the world of fitness; it was a testament to my resilience, self-love, and newfound confidence. Importantly, I did it for me, not for anyone else. No longer shackled by the opinions of others, I discovered the freedom to be my authentic self—the person I was born to be. I realized that the only judgment that truly mattered was the one I placed upon myself. What others thought of me wasn't even my business, and I found peace in prioritizing my own well-being.

To all the women who may feel the weight of societal expectations, remember that the journey to loving your body starts with reclaiming your power. Let go of the notion that you must conform to external standards. Your body hears your thoughts, so speak words of love and embrace the incredible journey toward a healthier and happier you. The results are not just physical; they're a celebration of your strength, resilience, and the love you've cultivated for the amazing person you are.

As I continue to evolve, I am now ready to channel my experiences and knowledge to empower and inspire women. I firmly believe that everything happens for a reason, and I am grateful for the unique path that has led me here. Without the challenges, I wouldn't have found my true self, embraced natural healing, met inspiring individuals, traveled the world, and pursued my true passion. My journey is a testament to the power of self-belief, trust in your instincts, and the alignment of destiny in due time.

Let me help you on your own transformative journey towards holistic health and empowerment.

  • FDN-P-Functional Diagnostics Nutrition Training, Functional Diagnostics Nutrition

  • RWS-1 Restorative Wellness Solutions: Mastering the Art of Gastrointestinal Healing

  • FXNA- Functional Nutrition Full Body Systems, Functional Nutrition Alliance

  • NC- Nutrition Consultant Diploma, Holistic Nutrition Bauman College

  • IFNA-Level 1 -Integrative and Functional Nutrition Academy

  • Integrative Nutrition Health Coach Specialist, Gut Health, Institute for Integrative Nutrition

  • Chek Holistic Lifestyle Coach, C.H.E.K Institute

  • Chek Holistic Health & Performance for Women, C.H.E.K Institute

  • Health Supportive Chef Certification, The Natural Gourmet Institute for Health & Culinary Arts

  • Institute of Culinary Education Fine Cooking 1, Knife Skills

  • Ayurveda’s World Ayurvedic Chef Certification

  • CNE-Culinary Nutrition Expert & Instructor, Academy of Culinary Nutrition

  • B.S, MBA- Wagner College, Cum Laude, Deans list

  • Board Certification, AADP-American Association of Drugless Practitioners

  • RYT500, Yoga Alliance (1200hrs of Yoga Training)

  • National Academy of Sports Medicine Certified Personal Trainer

  • Certified Prenatal & Post Fitness GGS Academy-CPPF

  • Certified Women’s Fitness Coach GGS Academy- CWFC